Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Maharashtra has always been the leader in terms of FDI inflow in India. The FDI inflows in the state of Maharashtra from 2000 to 2020 is near about $7 Trillion, which is the highest FDI inflow during the said period.

Also, Maharashtra state has attracted over $10.8 billion of Foreign Direct Investments from October 2019 to September 2020.

Mumbai -the capital city of Maharashtra, also being the financial capital of India, has the headquarters of major corporate and financial institutions operating from the city itself, which contributes to the overall GSDP.

Maharashtra is the hub of automotive industry in India, which accounts for 35% of country’s automotive production.

The state is well connected to the world with- .

  • 4 International and 7 domestic airports,
  • Around 30,00,000 kms of road network,
  • 6165 km of rail network,
  • coastline of 720 km

The state has 55 ports which contribute to 22% of total cargo transport in India.

Maharashtra has the largest sea port of India in the name of “Jawahar Lal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT).”

With the presence of industrial clusters for automotive, IT, chemical, textiles, food processing, etc, Maharashtra offers bankable investment opportunities.

When compared on the basis of GDP and FDI inflow, Maharashtra contributes to 15% of total India’s GDP and accounts for 49% of total FDI inflows in the country.
